About Us

Our Story
To the Pointe Productions was founded January of 2004 by Executive Director, Lindsay Dixon. It began with 3 students on a Saturday morning in the back room of a church as a way to make a little extra spending cash for the new college student. Within just 1 year, enrollment reached 30 and To the Pointe (then Amazing Grace Dance Ministry) had its first recital in November of 2004. From that point on, Miss Lindsay has dedicated her life to fulfill the vision God placed on her heart. "I never set out to open my own dance studio. But God opened doors, and I (sometimes hesitantly) walked through them." Since then, we've realized the full potential for a faith based dance training program founded on the values of Artistry, Authenticity, Faith, Modesty, and Community.
With the dance world growing more and more secular and competitive, there is a need for a studio that allows students to explore movement and performance in a loving and non-threatening environment, where the focus is on developing dancers as artists, and putting the emphasis on artistic expression, growth, and relationships and not on winning and personal glorification. We want children to be children; to dress like children, to move like children, and to retain their innocence for as long as possible. That is why MODESTY will always be one of our core values here at TTP.
The expansion of our program over the past decade is evidence that God has had His hand over every aspect of our organization. We have so many incredible programs that serve our dancers and local community: a thriving Special Needs program for kids and adults; a scholarship program that provides over $10,000 in tuition assistance annually to dancers in need; a vibrant and talented youth ministry team that performs and serves at hospitals, senior homes, churches, schools, and community events; a professional dance company, Aletheia Contemporary Dance Theatre, that performs at dance festivals, women's ministry events, large non-profit and corporate fundraising events; and an incredible network of faith based organizations throughout our community including CYAA, Salem Christian Homes, BeFree Faith & Fitness, Ontario Christian Schools, a number of churches, and more.
All of our staff members are strong women of faith with a passion for the Lord that parallels their passion and talent as dancers and teachers. Our board of directors are faithful members of their churches and community and are dedicated to furthering the mission of TTP and holding it to the highest standards of integrity. And so, on behalf of all of the staff, board members, volunteers, parents, and dancers, we thank you for choosing To the Pointe!

Our Facilities
To the Pointe has 3 dance rooms and a lobby with viewing windows for parents to wait in while their children are in class. Our 2 larger dance studios have dancer friendly raised sub-floor topped with a professional vinyl dance floor. Our smaller studio has a floating wood floor. Plans are currently underway for a fully renovated entryway, lobby, and front office.
The lobby is stocked with magazines, books, toys for younger siblings.